5×7, 176 pages
Release Date: February 22, 2022
A bi-lingual edition of Leonid Schwab’s poetry with an introduction by Maria Stepanova. Edited by Alexander Spektor, Anton Tenser, and Sibelan Forrester.
The Scar We Know, is a bi-lingual edition of Lida Yusupova’s poetry with introductions by Oksana Vasyakina and Ainsley Morse.
5 x 7 in. // 281 pp.
Release Date: March 1, 2021
Print (SOLD OUT!) and Digital Editions
(Pay What You Will Donation… Donations are highly appreciated to undercut the cost of the print run which was entirely subsidized in-house. To purchase enter chosen price, including 0, and follow the payment prompts. For digital: a direct download link to a digital edition of the publication will be sent to the email you provide and linked on the transaction page. For print: we ask that you pay to cover shipping costs.)
Languages: English/Russian/Ukrainian
Authors: Pavel Arsenev, Assembly for Culture in Ukraine, Larissa Babij, Oleksandr Burlaka, David Chichkan, Chto Delat?, Nikita Kadan, Volodymyr Kuznetsov, Mariana Matveichuk, Dimitry Mrachnik of the Autonomous Workers Union, Anastasiya Osipova, Petr Pavlensky, Marina Simakova, TanzLaboratorium Performance Group, Larisa Venediktova, Alexandr Wolodarskij, Serhiy Zhadan, and Anna Zvyagintseva.
Circling the Square documents the landscape of the recent uprising and the political climate that engendered it from many perspectives, ranging from an architectural analysis of Maidan, to documentation of an overtly criminal personal performance of solidarity in the Russian Federation, to an account of the occupation and attempted re-organization of the Ministry of Culture by a horizontal assembly of cultural workers. Despite the confusion in much of the world media and international left, these artists, writers and organizations are decidedly radical, negotiating a strange but critical position that recognizes the rising tide of jingoism that accompanies the threat of invasion as well as the opportunities opened up by Yanukovich’s collapse. The result has a decided lyricism that extends beyond a dry headline or inky propaganda.
Кроме переводов на английский, в издание включены русские и украинские оригиналы текстов.