We have placed a complete digital edition of Circling the Square: Maidan & Cultural Insurgency in Ukraine up for order in our online store. These will be “sold” on a donation basis, on the “pay what you will” principle.
It is our desire to distribute this publication openly and widely with no cover price as a gesture of solidarity. All donations will be used exclusively to offset the high cost of printing, and to facilitate wider distribution of the complete printed edition as well as to ensure that Circling the Square remains in its beautiful full color format. While we are waiting for printer approval and turn around this also allows us to begin to proliferate the articles and calls to action that we feel have a sense of urgency and should not have to wait for lengthy printing and shipping.
To donate and receive the digital edition follow the order link, type in your selected price and click “Add to cart”. Follow the checkout on the upper right hand corner of the menu. Be sure to enter an accurate e-mail address in checkout, the download link will be automatically mailed to this address. Payment can be received not only through a PayPal account, but from any debit or credit card.